While the major focus in NATEC has been on macroscopic systems, i.e., structures that are large enough that we need not concern ourselves with the dynamics of individual emitters and which operate at power levels where the quantized nature of the electromagnetic field need not be taken into account, we have also had an effort on systems comprising only a single emitter and a few photons.

Left: Schematic illustration of the coupling of a cavity containing 0 or 1 photon, to a two-levvel emitter with excited (e) and ground (g) states. Right: Contour plot of the spectrum of emitted light (resonance fluorescence spectrum) versus the maximum Rabi frequency (proportional to the maximum field strength) of an injected pulse.

We work on the following topics:

  • Resonance fluorescence from single quantum dots excited by an optical pulse
  • Decoherence in semiconductor cavity QED systems due to phonon scattering
  • Quenching of phonon-induced processes in photoexcited quantum dots due to electron-hole asymmetries


Relevant NATEC papers:

P. Kaer, N. Gregersen, and J. Mork, “The role of phonon scattering in the indistinguishability of photons emitted from semiconductor cavity QED systems”, New J. Phys. 15, 035027 (2013).

A. Moelbjerg, P. Kaer, M. Lorke, and J. Mørk, “Resonance Fluorescence from Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Beyond the Mollow Triplet”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 1–5 (2012).

P. Kaer, T. R. Nielsen, P. Lodahl, A.-P. Jauho, and J. Mork, “Non-Markovian Model of Photon-Assisted Dephasing by Electron-Phonon Interactions in a Coupled Quantum-Dot–Cavity System”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, pages (2010).

P. Kaer, T. R. Nielsen, P. Lodahl, A.-P. Jauho, and J. Mork, “Microscopic theory of phonon-induced effects on semiconductor quantum dot decay dynamics in cavity QED”, Phys. Rev. B 86, pages (2012).

P. Kaer, P. Lodahl, A.-P. Jauho, and J. Mork, “Microscopic theory of indistinguishable single-photon emission from a quantum dot coupled to a cavity: The role of non-Markovian phonon-induced decoherence”, Phys. Rev. B 87, pages (2013).

P. Kaer and J. Mork, “Decoherence in semiconductor cavity QED systems due to phonon scattering”, Submitt. Publ. arXiv1404.5604, 1–24 (2014).

K. H. Madsen, P. Kaer, a. Kreiner-Møller, S. Stobbe, A. Nysteen, J. Mørk, and P. Lodahl, “Measuring the effective phonon density of states of a quantum dot in cavity quantum electrodynamics”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 045316 (2013).

M. Settnes, P. Kaer, A. Moelbjerg, and J. Mork, “Auger Processes Mediating the Nonresonant Optical Emission from a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Embedded Inside an Optical Cavity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 067403 (2013).

A. Nysteen, P. Kaer, and J. Mork, “Proposed Quenching of Phonon-Induced Processes in Photoexcited Quantum Dots due to Electron-Hole Asymmetries”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 087401 (2013).

A. Nysteen, P. Kaer, and J. Mork, “Proposed Quenching of Phonon-Induced Processes in Photoexcited Quantum Dots due to Electron-Hole Asymmetries”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 087401 (2013).

P. T. Kristensen, J. Mork, P. Lodahl, and S. Hughes, “Decay dynamics of radiatively coupled quantum dots in photonic crystal slabs”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 075305 (2011).